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odo v3.10.0 Released

· 6 min read

odo v3.10.0 is now out!

To install odo, follow the installation guide.

Notable Changes

Check these playlists for an overview of the most notable changes in this release:


--port-forward to define custom port mapping and --address to define a custom address for port forwarding during odo dev

To enhance the port forwarding feature provided by odo dev, you can now use custom port mapping with flag --port-forward and a custom address for ports to listen by passing --address flag. Read more about custom port mapping and custom address on odo dev command reference doc.

Custom Port Mapping for port forwarding:

Custom Address for port forwarding:

Automatically mounting volumes, configmaps, and secrets

You can now automatically mount existing persistent volumes, configmaps and secrets to your odo dev deployment by applying an appropriate label to them.

labels: "true"

Read more about it in Automounting Volumes.

Support variable substitution for odo build-images

odo build-images now supports the Devfile variable substitution in a similar way as odo dev and odo deploy.

Read more about it in the odo build-images command reference doc.

odo dev can run simultaneously on podman and cluster


Allow to cancel odo dev execution at any phase

In the previous versions, odo dev could not be cancelled until the build phase was complete. This has now been fixed to allow cancelling odo dev at any phase.

odo dev handles failing build commands in a better way.

Build command is ideally the first command that is run after the necessary resources are created in the odo dev workflow. Read How odo works for a better understanding of this.

In the previous versions, odo dev would run the build command in an infinite loop until it succeeded, which was unnecessary. In v3.10.0 however, odo dev stops after 1 unsuccessful attempt, and waits for the user to make changes to the project, providing with a slightly better user experience.

PodSecurity Admission: Display duplicate warnings only once

Warnings related to PodSecurity Admission are now printed only once.

Wait until expected ports are opened before starting port-forwarding

odo dev now waits until the application ports are listening before printing the port forwarding information.


Detailed Changelog

As with every release, you can find the full list of changes and bug fixes on the GitHub release page.

Release of v3.10.0

v3.10.0 (2023-05-04)

Full Changelog


v3.10.0 (2023-05-02)

Full Changelog


  • Support variable substitution with --var and --var-file in odo build-images #6776 (rm3l)
  • Use custom address for port forwarding #6766 (valaparthvi)
  • Add annotation for setting access mode on automounted configmap/secret files #6750 (feloy)
  • Use devstats.PID.json as devstate #6713 (feloy)
  • Allow users to define custom port-mappings for port forwarding [Kubernetes] #6704 (valaparthvi)
  • Wait until expected ports are opened in the container before starting port-forwarding #6701 (rm3l)
  • Automount volumes #6698 (feloy)


  • Test flaky devfile modification test #6769 (valaparthvi)
  • Fix flaky tests using custom port mapping when running specs in parallel #6763 (rm3l)
  • Simplify devfile Kubernetes adapter #6762 (feloy)
  • Set 'mountSources' to 'true' in some example SpringBoot multi-container Devfiles #6761 (rm3l)
  • Check files to sync with gitignore library #6760 (feloy)
  • Allow to cancel execution of odo dev at any phase (e.g. if build command is taking long) #6736 (rm3l)
  • Fix e2e test failures and doc test failures due to updated devfile registry #6735 (valaparthvi)
  • Fix: PodSecurity Admission: Display duplicate warnings only once #6733 (valaparthvi)
  • For custom port mapping, handle case where ranged random port matches a custom local port #6727 (valaparthvi)



  • Wait when Build command fails #6771 (feloy)
  • Follow-up to comments on #6654 (support for autoBuild and deployByDefault) #6720 (rm3l)

Merged pull requests:

* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator

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