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odo 2.0.0 Backward Incompatible Changes

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odo 2.0.0 Backward Incompatible Changes

Backward Incompatible Changes in odo 2.0.0

This document outlines the backward incompatible changes that were introduced in odo 2.2. With the increased adoption of Devfile we have started to reduce odo’s dependency on S2I(Source-to-Image). If you no longer work with Source-to-Image containers, this does not apply.

  1. odo create --s2i <component-type> will create a converted Devfile based component on the S2I images of that component type.

    odo create --s2i nodejs

    Output -

    $ odo create nodejs --s2i
    ✓ Validating component [424ms]
    ✓ Successfully generated devfile.yaml and env.yaml for provided S2I component

    Please use `odo push` command to create the component with source deployed

    The above command would generate a devfile.yaml which would be using the S2I images and variables that are part of the nodejs.

    This change will not break any existing S2I components. Although you are encouraged to convert them to devfile using odo utils convert-to-devfile.

  2. Currently devfile components do not support --git and --binary components hence we still use S2I component flow to create them.

    $ odo create java --s2i --git ./build.war
    ✓ Validating component [431ms]

    Please use `odo push` command to create the component with source deployed

    Observe that there was no conversion done here.

  1. odo env set DebugPort won't work with converted devfile components, you would need to use odo config set --env DEBUG_PORT instead.

    Currently, the wildfly and dotnet component types do not work when converted. We have an issue open for this -

Known bugs and limitations

Frequently asked questions

  1. Why does odo fail create to URL using odo url create for a component created using odo create --s2i even though odo url create is allowed for devfile?

    • It won’t fail in the sense that if you tried the conventional s2i approach and try to create odo url create it would fail with url for 8080 port already present as there would already be one for you. Refer -
  2. How to understand the status of the debug?

    • odo env set DebugPort won't work, instead you would need to use odo config set --env DEBUG_PORT - this is because the s2i to devfile converted devfiles don't have a debug type command defined in them. We would fix this too.
  3. If every component will now be reported as devfile component, then what about existing S2I components?

    • They should work as is. Check odo list for a simpler check. Somethings might still break since it is quite complex to make things work across the board.
  1. If oc based checks in tests are not going to work, is there an alternative odo support around it ?

    • It would’t be right to say that you cannot use oc based checks, but they would break because now the s2i components are being converted to devfile, odo would generate a Kubernetes Deployment but the oc would try to find a DeploymentConfig on the cluster.