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Version: v3

Troubleshoot Storage Permission issues on managed cloud providers clusters

Using odo to run an application on a managed Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), or Amazon Elatic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster does not always work out of the box, especially while using Devfiles from the Devfile Registry; users often encounter issues while syncing local files into the container due to insufficient permissions on mounted volumes.

For example, while running a Java Maven application using a java-maven devfile on an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service, a sample error may look like this.
$ odo dev
/ \__ Developing using the "java-springboot-starter" Devfile
\__/ \ Namespace: default
/ \__/ odo version: v3.6.0

↪ Running on the cluster in Dev mode
• Waiting for Kubernetes resources ...
✓ Added storage m2 to component
⚠ Pod is Pending
✓ Pod is Running
◑ Syncing files into the container ✗ Command 'tar xf - -C /projects --no-same-owner' in container failed.

✗ stdout:

✗ stderr: tar: src: Cannot mkdir: Permission denied
tar: src/main/resources/ Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: mvnw: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: devfile.yaml: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: mvnw.cmd: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: pom.xml: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: src: Cannot mkdir: Permission denied
tar: src/main/java/com/example/demo/ Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar: .gitignore: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: src: Cannot mkdir: Permission denied
tar: src/test/java/com/example/demo/ Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors

✗ err: error while streaming command: command terminated with exit code 2

✗ Syncing files into the container [610ms]
Error occurred on Push - watch command was unable to push component: failed to sync to component with name java-springboot-starter: failed to sync to component with name java-springboot-starter: unable push files to pod: error while streaming command: command terminated with exit code 2

◐ Syncing files into the container ✗ Command 'tar xf - -C /projects --no-same-owner' in container failed.

✗ stdout:

✗ stderr: tar: src: Cannot mkdir: Permission denied
tar: src/main/resources/ Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar: src: Cannot mkdir: Permission denied
tar: src/test/java/com/example/demo/ Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar: devfile.yaml: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: src: Cannot mkdir: Permission denied
tar: src/main/java/com/example/demo/ Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar: pom.xml: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: .gitignore: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: mvnw.cmd: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: mvnw: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors

✗ err: error while streaming command: command terminated with exit code 2
Or, while running a Go application with go devfile on an Azure Kubernetes Service may end up in an error like this.
$ odo dev
/ \__ Developing using the "places" Devfile
\__/ \ Namespace: default
/ \__/ odo version: v3.10.0

⚠ You are using "default" namespace, odo may not work as expected in the default namespace.
⚠ You may set a new namespace by running `odo create namespace <name>`, or set an existing one by running `odo set namespace <name>`

↪ Running on the cluster in Dev mode
• Waiting for Kubernetes resources ...
⚠ Pod is Pending
✓ Pod is Running
◐ Syncing files into the container ✗ Command 'tar xf - -C /projects --no-same-owner' in container failed.

✗ stdout:

✗ stderr: tar: main.go: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: .gitignore: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: devfile.yaml: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: go.mod: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors

✗ err: error while streaming command: command terminated with exit code 2

✗ Syncing files into the container [4s]
Error occurred on Push - watch command was unable to push component: failed to sync to component with name places: failed to sync to component with name places: unable push files to pod: error while streaming command: command terminated with exit code 2

↪ Dev mode
Watching for changes in the current directory /tmp/go-app

Keyboard Commands:
[Ctrl+c] - Exit and delete resources from the cluster
[p] - Manually apply local changes to the application on the cluster
^CCleaning resources, please wait
✗ Dev mode interrupted by user

Various factors are responsible for this:

  • Storage Provisioner used for the cluster
  • User set by the container image
  • Location on the container where the files are to be synced
  • Using Ephemeral vs Non-Ephemeral Volumes

Users may encounter storage related permissions issues even while working on a standard Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster.

This guide will discuss some workarounds that can be used to fix these issues.

Use Ephemeral Volumes

This is the simplest way to overcome this issue. There are 2 parts to this solution:

  1. Set odo preference Ephemeral to true.

     odo preference set Ephemeral true -f
  2. If the Devfile contains a volume component, then set its ephemeral property to true.

    The above configuration will use the emptyDir Ephemeral volumes instead of creating Persistent Volumes to mount the source files; it also ensures the current user can read/write to the directories.

    Example java-maven Devfile with ephemeral volume.
    - exec:
    commandLine: mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=/home/user/.m2/repository package
    component: tools
    isDefault: true
    kind: build
    workingDir: ${PROJECT_SOURCE}
    id: mvn-package
    - exec:
    commandLine: java -jar target/*.jar
    component: tools
    isDefault: true
    kind: run
    workingDir: ${PROJECT_SOURCE}
    id: run
    - exec:
    commandLine: java -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:server=y,transport=dt_socket,address=${DEBUG_PORT},suspend=n
    -jar target/*.jar
    component: tools
    isDefault: true
    kind: debug
    workingDir: ${PROJECT_SOURCE}
    id: debug
    - container:
    - tail
    - -f
    - /dev/null
    - name: http-maven
    targetPort: 8080
    - exposure: none
    name: debug
    targetPort: 5858
    - name: DEBUG_PORT
    value: "5858"
    memoryLimit: 512Mi
    mountSources: true
    - name: m2
    path: /home/user/.m2
    name: tools
    - name: m2
    ephemeral: true
    size: 3Gi
    description: Java application based on Maven 3.6 and OpenJDK 11
    displayName: Maven Java
    language: Java
    name: jmaven-app
    projectType: Maven
    - Java
    - Maven
    version: 1.2.0
    schemaVersion: 2.1.0
    - git:
    name: springbootproject

Set fsGroup to the PodSecurityContext

By setting fsGroup in the PodSecurityContext, all processes of the container are also made part of the supplementary group ID set in the field. The owner for volume mount location and any files created in that volume will be Group ID set in the field. This solution is quite common when looking for permission related issues on a mounted volume, example.

This solution can be implemented by setting a pod-overrides attribute to the Devfile container component.

Example java-maven Devfile with a fsGroup set in PodSecurityContext.
- exec:
commandLine: mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=/home/user/.m2/repository package
component: tools
isDefault: true
kind: build
workingDir: ${PROJECT_SOURCE}
id: mvn-package
- exec:
commandLine: java -jar target/*.jar
component: tools
isDefault: true
kind: run
workingDir: ${PROJECT_SOURCE}
id: run
- exec:
commandLine: java -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:server=y,transport=dt_socket,address=${DEBUG_PORT},suspend=n
-jar target/*.jar
component: tools
isDefault: true
kind: debug
workingDir: ${PROJECT_SOURCE}
id: debug
- container:
- tail
- -f
- /dev/null
- name: http-maven
targetPort: 8080
- exposure: none
name: debug
targetPort: 5858
- name: DEBUG_PORT
value: "5858"
memoryLimit: 512Mi
mountSources: true
- name: m2
path: /home/user/.m2
name: tools
fsGroup: 2000
- name: m2
volume: {}
description: Java application based on Maven 3.6 and OpenJDK 11
displayName: Maven Java
language: Java
name: jmaven-app
projectType: Maven
- Java
- Maven
version: 1.2.0
schemaVersion: 2.1.0
- git:
name: springbootproject

Be cautious with the use of fsGroup; the changing of group ownership of an entire volume can cause pod startup delays for slow and/or large filesystems. Read these articles by Synk and Google Cloud to learn more about it.

Note that the above warning is only valid when mounting persistent volumes with large data (for e.g. a Postgres image mounting a 1Tb volume with its data); for a normal developer workflow this should not be a concern.

The ownership change will only take an effect when mounting the volume for the first time while creating a pod, or when a pod is restarted due to a change in the Devfile; but even in those cases; ownership change should be quick.


If you do not know the desired group ID, you can assign a random value to it. The user will be added to the group ID and since all the files on the system will be owned by this group, there should be no problem with accessing the files.