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Version: v3

Container-based application development in an air-gapped environment

An air-gapped environment (otherwise known as offline or disconnected environment) will prevent both odo and the application developed with odo to access the internet directly.

In this case, you will need to apply some configuration and/or deploy some elements in the local network to be able to work with odo.

The development with odo is done in two phases. The first phase is to obtain a Devfile from a Devfile Registry, and the second phase is to run the application into a cluster, based on the configuration defined in the Devfile.

Accessing a Devfile Registry

If your environment provides an HTTPS proxy giving access to the upstream Devfile Registry (, you can define the HTTPS_PROXY environment variable when executing odo init. For example:

$ HTTPS_PROXY=https://your_proxy odo init

If you cannot rely on the upstream Devfile Registry, you can install a registry in your local network. The following procedures provide the instructions to build a container image for an offline registry (where all Devfiles reference container images and starter projects in your local environment), and how to deploy the image you have built in a local Kubernetes cluster:

Running the application

To execute the application in the cluster, odo first deploys a Pod into this cluster, based on a container image defined in the Devfile. This container image will be pulled by the cluster to instantiate the pod.

Then, the source files will be synchronized into the container and the application will be built from inside the container. Depending on the language and/or framework used for your application, the build may need to access a dependency registry (NPM registry, Maven repository, etc).

Accessing the cluster's control-plane

To create resources into the cluster, odo needs to communicate with the cluster's control-plane through its API.

If the cluster is not accessible directly from the air-gapped environment but accessible through an HTTPS proxy, you can define the HTTPS_PROXY environment variable when executing odo dev and odo deploy. For example:

$ HTTPS_PROXY=https://your_proxy odo dev

Pulling the container image

If this image is accessible from a local container registry without any authentication, you don't need to add any configuration.

If the container registry requires some authentication, you will need to pass the credentials to the cluster, using an ImagePullSecret. Instructions to work with ImagePullSecret resources are provided here: Pull an Image from a Private Registry.

As described in the previous instructions, you will need to define an ImagePullSecret for the Pod that will be deployed by odo. For this, you can use the pod-overrides feature provided by the Devfile, for example:

- container:
- tail
- -f
- /dev/null
- name: http-node
targetPort: 3000
- exposure: none
name: debug
targetPort: 5858
- name: DEBUG_PORT
value: "5858"
image: your_secure_registry/nodejs-16:latest
memoryLimit: 1024Mi
mountSources: true
name: runtime
- name: regcred

Accessing a dependency registry

If you are using a local registry, you will need to configure the build to pass it the address of the local registry. You can either modify the command-line for the build, or define additional environment variables, depending on your needs.

To modify the build command-line, you can edit the install and/or build command in the Devfile. For example:

- exec:
commandLine: npm install --registry https://your_local_registry
component: runtime
isDefault: true
kind: build
workingDir: ${PROJECT_SOURCE}
id: install


- exec:
commandLine: npm config set registry https://your_local_registry && npm install
component: runtime
isDefault: true
kind: build
workingDir: ${PROJECT_SOURCE}
id: install

You can also provide additional environment variables to the container, by creating an auto-mounted configmap:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: proxy-config
labels: "true"
annotations: env
npm_config_registry: "https://your_local_registry"