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Version: v3

odo completion


odo completion is used to generate shell completion code. The generated code provides interactive shell completion code for odo.

There is support for the following terminal shells:

Running the Command

To generate the shell completion code, the command can be ran as follows:

odo completion [SHELL]


Load into your current shell environment:

source <(odo completion bash)

Load persistently:

# Save the completion to a file
odo completion bash > ~/.odo/

# Load the completion from within your $HOME/.bash_profile
source ~/.odo/


Load into your current shell environment:

source <(odo completion zsh)

Load persistently:

odo completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_odo"


Load into your current shell environment:

source <(odo completion fish)

Load persistently:

odo completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/


Load into your current shell environment:

odo completion powershell | Out-String | Invoke-Expression

Load persistently:

odo completion powershell >> $PROFILE