1 package kclient
3 import (
4 "testing"
6 appsv1 "k8s.io/api/apps/v1"
7 metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
8 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1/unstructured"
9 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime"
10 "k8s.io/kubectl/pkg/scheme"
11 )
13 func TestClient_GetAllResourcesFromSelector(t *testing.T) {
14 type args struct {
15 selector string
16 ns string
17 }
18 tests := []struct {
19 name string
20 args args
21 objects func() []runtime.Object
22 checkResult func([]unstructured.Unstructured)
23 wantErr bool
24 }{
25 {
26 name: "a deployment exists, matching labels",
27 args: args{
28 selector: "key1=value1",
29 },
30 objects: func() []runtime.Object {
31 dep1 := appsv1.Deployment{}
32 dep1.SetName("deploy1")
33 dep1.SetLabels(map[string]string{
34 "key1": "value1",
35 "key2": "value2",
36 })
37 return []runtime.Object{&dep1}
38 },
39 checkResult: func(u []unstructured.Unstructured) {
40 if len(u) != 1 {
41 t.Fatalf("len of result should be %d but is %d", 1, len(u))
42 }
43 if u[0].GetName() != "deploy1" {
44 t.Errorf("Name of 1st result should be %q but is %q", "deploy1", u[0].GetName())
45 }
46 },
47 },
48 {
49 name: "a deployment exists, not matching labels",
50 args: args{
51 selector: "key1=value1",
52 },
53 objects: func() []runtime.Object {
54 dep1 := appsv1.Deployment{}
55 dep1.SetName("deploy1")
56 dep1.SetLabels(map[string]string{
57 "key1": "value2",
58 "key2": "value1",
59 })
60 return []runtime.Object{&dep1}
61 },
62 checkResult: func(u []unstructured.Unstructured) {
63 if len(u) != 0 {
64 t.Fatalf("len of result should be %d but is %d", 0, len(u))
65 }
66 },
67 },
68 }
69 for _, tt := range tests {
70 t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
72 fkclient, fkclientset := FakeNew()
73 fkclient.Namespace = "default"
75 objects := []runtime.Object{}
76 if tt.objects != nil {
77 objects = tt.objects()
78 }
79 fkclient.SetDynamicClient(scheme.Scheme, objects...)
81 fkclientset.Kubernetes.Fake.Resources = []*metav1.APIResourceList{
82 {
83 GroupVersion: "apps/v1",
84 APIResources: []metav1.APIResource{
85 {
86 Group: "apps",
87 Version: "v1",
88 Kind: "Deployment",
89 Name: "deployments",
90 SingularName: "deployment",
91 Namespaced: true,
92 Verbs: []string{"list"},
93 },
94 },
95 },
96 }
98 got, err := fkclient.GetAllResourcesFromSelector(tt.args.selector, tt.args.ns)
99 if (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
100 t.Errorf("Client.GetAllResourcesFromSelector() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
101 return
102 }
103 if tt.checkResult != nil {
104 tt.checkResult(got)
105 }
106 })
107 }
108 }
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